それに必要なのはエネルギー、代謝酵素です。酵素に必要なのはミネラル、ビタミンなどの栄養です。-Automatic replacement of the components of Metabolism
In other words, the replacement of cells.
Most essential are energy and metabolic enzymes.
Enzymes require nutrients such as minerals and vitamins.
(The 2019 Isamu Numata Award winning paper)
Consideration of natural healing powers
Koki osugi
所属 NPO日本綜合医学会 Member of Japanese Society of Holistic Medicine
病気が治るのは生体の本来有する「自然治癒力」の働きによる。では、病気はどのようなメカニズムで治るのだろうか。「自然治癒力」とは何か。また「自然治癒力」を高め病気を治すにはどうすればいいのか。筆者の治療法と生活指導による症例(加齢黄斑変性症macular degeneration)から考察した。結論は、老化に伴う生活習慣病を治癒させるには細胞再生の促進が重要で、それを促進するには代謝力のアップが必要で、代謝力はミネラル、ビタミンのバランスと細胞のエネルギー産生に必要な酸素の供給量にかかっている。従って、治癒力を高めるには栄養バランスと血液循環をいかに促進するのかが重要であるかを示唆している。
Keywords "natural healing power" ("blood circulation" "oxygen")
主食 玄米(発芽玄米や七分搗き)、雑穀米、古代米、麦。
副食 旬の野菜、豆類、ゴマ、海藻類、きのこ類、小魚類、豆腐、揚げ、湯葉、高野豆腐など有機天然素材を使った和食。糠漬け、梅干、納豆、味噌、醤油など伝統発酵食品。青汁。天然塩。味噌汁。有機栽培の果物類。
症例 clinical case
1)患者名 T,O 昭和19年3月31日生(72歳)女性
2)疾患名 両眼の加齢黄斑変性症(2015年大阪大学医学部付属病院眼科)、ひざ痛、捻挫後遺症、五十肩 (近医整形外科医院)
3)主訴 1年前から右膝が階段の昇降時痛くつらい。2週間前から両肩が痛い。そのほか慢性腰痛症、足首痛、首痛、視力低下(運転免許条件に眼鏡が必要)。
4)血圧(170/~130/ ㎜Hg) 5)*瘀血度 3 6)アレルギー体質
2016年11月18日 紹介で来院された。膝痛と五十肩の愁訴を強く訴えられたので重点的に治療した。(全身約60分間施術)
2018年1月17日 膝の愁訴は日常生活では支障ないまで回復した。
*瘀血度 問診票から自覚症状にチェックして血液循環の悪さを見る指標で点数が多いほど悪い。
HEALTH AND HEALING Understanding Conventional & Alternative Medicine By Andrew Weil,M.D. 「人はなぜ治るのか」現代医学と代替医学にみる治癒と健康のメカニズム 訳者 上野圭一
(The 2019 Isamu Numata Award winning paper)
Consideration of natural healing powers
Koki Osugi
Member-Japanese Society of Holistic Medicine
The cure of disease is due to the "natural healing powers" of the living body. So, what mechanisms cure disease? What are "natural healing powers"? Also, how can we improve our "natural healing powers" to cure disease? Of particular interest is the case of age-related macular degeneration reversed by our treatment method and lifestyle guidance. The conclusion is that promotion of cell regeneration is important to cure lifestyle-related diseases associated with aging. That promotion requires an increase in metabolic power as it affects the balance of minerals and vitamins and the energy production of cells. This also depends on the available supply of oxygen. Therefore, promoting nutritional balance and blood circulation is important for enhancing our innate healing powers.
Keyterms: natural healing power, blood circulation, oxygen
Basic medicine includes physiology, pathology, and pharmacology, but not "healing science". Physiology is the study of the mechanisms of healthy organisms, pathology is the cause and mechanisms of disease, and pharmacology is the study of the effects and mechanisms of drugs on living organisms. It is understood why humans get sick. However, there is no “healing science” that studies why and how the body cures itself. I've been wondering why and how for a long time. In pathology, there is a section called "Healing of wounds", and exactly how wounds heal is elucidated in great detail. However, it is not clear how lifestyle diseases such as cancer and heart disease can be cured naturally. On the contrary, modern medicine is allopathic medicine, so there is no cure for such diseases and complaints. Healing means that the natural healing power works to heal it completely. Surgery to remove a lesion simply removes the bad part, leaving sequelae and is not a cure. Modern medical treatment for lifestyle-related diseases is palliative and usually includes drugs that normalize "test" values. The disease is left uncured and the patient can become addicted over the long-term. In addition, there are side effects, therefore, even after surgery your lifespan will be shortened.
The cure of disease is due to the innate "natural healing power" of the living body. So, what is the mechanism? What is "natural healing power"? Also, what should we do to increase the body's "natural healing power" to cure disease? Let's consider the following:
1. Blood circulation therapy (manual method)
The technique is to apply soft vertical pressure gently and slowly with the fingers. Mainly the thumb is used, but the abdomen and head require four fingers other than the thumb. Then pressure is released quickly after 1 or 2 seconds. This procedure is performed repeatedly to the affected areas for about 60 minutes including the abdomen and along the arterial system of the entire body.
2. Life guidance including diet
1)Review of personal lifestyle:
The main causes of illness (complaints) are: 1. mental state (stress) 2. bad eating habits (overeating/unbalanced eating) 3. overwork 4. unhealthy habits 5. poor body usage 6. lack of exercise. There are always causes and consequences. You may not be aware of the cause of the illness or complaint, so take stock of your own behavior. Honestly look back at the past and try to change if possible.
2)Spiritual living:
Negative emotions such as resentment and sadness reduce blood flow, impair circulation and weaken the immune system. If you are bright and cheerful, your heart can become as clear as the autumn sky, and you’ll live happily every day and your diseases will go away. Laughter boosts immunity and blows away disease. There is nothing to be gained by worrying or thinking about what can’t be changed. It is important to be optimistic, think positively, and work actively (including mindfulness). As you change, so will the people around you. " Fortune is unpredictable and changeable, inscrutable are the ways of heaven" Lao Tsu. Also, having a fun hobby can change your outlook.
3)Meals (high quality, light eating):
A small meal of high quality improves blood quality and circulation.However, eating too much or unbalanced eating can make your blood turbid and you will become more susceptible to lifestyle-related diseases. Maintaining a balanced intake is especially important to aquire enough vitamins, minerals, enzymes and antioxidants. Recommended high-quality foods that match Japanese genes are as follows.
Staple food: brown rice (germinated brown rice or 50-70% polished rice), multi-grain rice, Wild rice, barley.
Side dishes: Japanese food with organic and natural ingredients such as seasonal vegetables, beans, sesame, seaweed, mushrooms, dried fish, deep-fried tofu, yuba, Koyadofu. Traditional fermented foods such as bran pickles, pickled plums, kimchee, natto, miso and soy sauce. Vegetable juice. natural salt. Miso soup. organic fruits.
Foods that should be avoided
Animal meat, farmed fish, Instant Foods, dairy products, ham, sausage and Fish paste products,oily processed foods, and foods that are known to be rich in pesticides. Foods containing white sugar.
4)Overwork (workaholic)
Overwork creates a state where the sympathetic nervous system predominates, increases granulocytes (white blood cells), and causes diseases such as cancer and arteriosclerosis. Health is your top priority. Health care is a personal responsibility so as not to burden your family or others.
5)Breaking bad habits
Excessive alcohol consumption can cause digestive problems and carcinogenesis due to the toxicity of acetaldehyde, which is produced during the process of breaking down alcohol in the body. Please enjoy it in moderation. Smoking is a slow and harmful act of suicide. Secondhand smoke harms the health of people around you. Be careful not to eat too many sweets, oils and cold foods. Also, staying up late, lack of sleep, and irregular living can interfere with the function of the autonomic nervous system and impair your health. Sleeping and getting up early can also help to avoid constipation.
6)How to use your body
Poor posture not only causes shoulder and neck stiffness, back pain, knee pain, etc., but also causes the spine to bend and can damage the internal organs. Also, high-heeled shoes are a similar cause of disability. If you stay in the same posture for a long time, such as in driving, desk work, watching TV, reading, or handicrafts, learn to maintain your posture correctly.
7) Elimination of harmful substances (detoxification)
Sweating (exercise, sauna, bedrock baths, footbaths, etc.), drinking plenty of mineral water, urinating sufficiently, avoiding constipation through fasting, semi-fasting, light eating, dietary fiber intake, vegetable juice, and sand baths to actively expel accumulated poisons.
8) Promotion of peripheral circulation
In addition to receiving blood circulation therapy, you can also self-treat including light aerobic exercise, alternate hot and cold baths, rubbing with a dry towel, massage, salt baths, etc.
9)Relaxed aerobic exercise, breathing exercises and stretching
Exercise moderately enough to get increased oxygenation, such as walking, jogging, swimming, biking, qigong, tai chi, yoga, etc. at least three times a week and at least 30 minutes at a time.
10)Find a worthy life.
It is important to have a specific image of what you want to do once your illness is cured. Have a clear dream and goals in life and work towards them.
Clinical Case
72 year old Female
Chief complaint
Age-related macular degeneration of both eyes (Ophthalmology, Osaka University Hospital 2015), knee pain, sequelae after sprain, stiff shoulders
Right knee pain when going up or down stairs for over a year. Two weeks previously, her shoulders hurt including chronic lower back pain, ankle pain, neck pain, poor vision (need of glasses for driving).
blood pressure (130~170㎜Hg)
*Indicators of decreased blood circulation: level 3
Clinical findings areas of induration, stiffness, tenderness, etc.
Induration of the medial and medial collateral ligaments in the left and right patella. Left ankle joint stiffness. Upper right and left hip stiffness. Lateral stiffening of the left and right shoulder joints. Left posterior neck sclerosis.
Progress and results (treatment frequency and duration)
November 18, 2016: Visited my clinic upon referral. The patient complained of knee and shoulder pain, so treatment was focused there. (Whole body treatment for about 60 minutes)
On the second day of treatment knee pain was reduced and after the third day, shoulder pain was reduced.
(4 treatments in November, 9 treatments in December)
On January 5, 2017 (15th treatment), she was examined at the ophthalmology department of Osaka University Hospital, and was recommended surgery because her "macular degeneration" was getting worse. She couldn't exercise because her knees were in pain. So I recommended a diet for her.
A follow-up eye examination on January 13 of the same year led to follow-ups until April.
(Treatments: 8 times in January, 5 times in February, 7 times in March, 6 times in April)
On April 19th of the same year, her ophthalmologist said that her "macular degeneration" had not worsened.
In May, her knee pain had almost disappeared.
(3 times in May, 1 time in June. 1 time in July, 1 time in August, 2 times in October, 2 times in November, 1 time in December)
On December 22nd, a medical examination at the hospital determined that her eyesight was improving and that no treatment (surgery) was required. Visual acuity had recovered to 1.0 in both eyes. (Eyeglasses were no longer required when renewing her driver's license.)
January 17, 2018: Her knees had recovered to the point where they did not hinder her daily activities.
2018 January twice, February once, March twice, April once.
I finished her treatments because she had completely recovered.
Concepts of health and Disease
Health is a state in which a living body can adapt to changes in the external environment though its complex mechanisms (homeostasis) while maintaining a state of dynamic equilibrium. Disease is a condition in which the dynamic equilibrium is lost for some reason and the body cannot return to its original state. Restoration, including comprehensive treatment, is needed to return to nomal condition. Dynamic balance is controlled by humoral and neural regulation. In humoral control, the endocrine system regulates digestion, reproduction, immunity, osmotic pressure, ph (acid-alkali) blood sugar, etc. through body fluids including the blood.
The nervous system regulates heart rate, blood pressure, blood flow, respiration, body temperature, etc. through the antagonism of sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves.
This also affects the endocrine, immune, and autonomic nervous systems. These are affected by the central nervous system
Healing mechanism
Cell regeneration
Healing requires the repair of damaged cells and tissues, known as cell reincarnation (remodeling). Cell regeneration requires metabolic enzymes. This requires nutritional balance, especially vitamins and minerals. Since fluid regulation is maintained by blood circulation, it is very important to improve the circulation of the affected area, the whole body and vital organs. Blood delivers nutrients and removes waste products through the immune cells, and most importantly, gases are exchanged. An important role of erythrocytes is the production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), a source of energy that supplies the mitochondria by transporting oxygen. Improving the supply of oxygen will increase the healing power by more efficiently producing energy.
Promoting blood circulation
In my clinic, I perform a procedure that improves blood circulation directly at the affected area in a pinpoint manner. In this case, the eyes were treated directly. With regard to the mechanism of age-related macular degeneration, aging deteriorates the function of removing waste from the retina and the macula. Residual of waste in the macula, causes abnormalities in the cells and tissues of the retina. Since the affected area results in circulatory disorders, improving blood circulation and promoting metabolism in the affected area are the most important factors for enhancing the natural healing power. Healing is the regeneration of cells, in which damaged or necrotic cells regenerate and tissue is repaired. Oxygen, nutrients (vitamins, minerals and antioxidants), metabolic enzymes, immune cells, and immune substances are delivered and various toxins, immune complexes, waste products (metabolites) are removed by the blood throughout the body. Promoting circulation and restoring the balance of the internal organs are very important factors.
In order to heal age and lifestyle-related diseases, it is important to promote cell regeneration, which requires an increase in metabolic power. The nutritional balance of minerals and vitamins necessary for energy production in cells is essential. This all depends on the oxygen supply. Therefore, it can’t be overstated how important nutritional balance and the promotion of blood circulation are to improving the natural healing power.
*Indicators of decreased blood circulation
An index to qualify blood circulation by checking the subjective symptoms via a questionnaire. The higher the score, the worse.
References: HEALTH AND HEALING Understanding Conventional & Alternative Medicine By Andrew Weil, M.D.
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